How did we help a non-profit dust off its image, appealing to new generation of volunteers?


Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens is the largest Catholic charitable organization in New York, but its image had become dated and volunteerism was virtually nonexistent. Our solution: simplify and energize the CCBQ message – focusing less on the religious aspects and more on action and interaction. To do this we created the rallying cry, “I’m for B+Q.” The campaign’s focus was on “helping Brooklyn and Queens where it hurts most” and gave the brand renewed meaning and momentum for all involved.

Campaign Elements: Brand identity, logo, cinema ad, print, OOH, e-mail/eCRM, direct mail, online ads, microsite, event video, collateral, promo materials.

Campaign Performance:

Campaign resulted in a 500% increase in volunteerism. #1 in search engine results for “catholic Charity Brooklyn and Queens” and “volunteer Brooklyn and Queens.” Web traffic to increased 25% month over month and spiked web traffic by 22%. Facebook likes tripled to over 15,000.