Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens is the largest Catholic charitable organization in New York, but its image had become dated and volunteerism was virtually nonexistent. Our solution: simplify and energize the CCBQ message – focusing less on the religious aspects and more on action and interaction. To do this we created the rallying cry, “I’m for B+Q.” The campaign’s focus was on “helping Brooklyn and Queens where it hurts most” and gave the brand renewed meaning and momentum for all involved.
Campaign Elements: Brand identity, logo, cinema ad, print, OOH, e-mail/eCRM, direct mail, online ads, microsite, event video, collateral, promo materials.
Campaign Performance:
Campaign resulted in a 500% increase in volunteerism. #1 in search engine results for “catholic Charity Brooklyn and Queens” and “volunteer Brooklyn and Queens.” Web traffic to increased 25% month over month and spiked web traffic by 22%. Facebook likes tripled to over 15,000.